Wednesday, October, 16, 2024

Examination Rules & Regulations



(Approved by the Standing Committee on 12.07.2011

These Regulations shall be called Osmania University regulations governing Post Graduate Programmes under the Choice Based Credit System (CBCS). The Choice Based Credit System is offered only to the students admitted in Campus and Constituent Colleges and Affiliated Colleges of Osmania University in the Arts Social Sciences, Commerce and Science faculties from the Academic Year 2011-2012.

These Regulations shall come into force from the Academic Year 2011-2012

Range of % of Marks Grade Letter Grade Point
85 to 100 O 100
70 to 84 A 9
60 to 69 B 8
55 to 59 C 7
50 to 54 D 6
40 to 49 E 5
Less than 40 F 0

Evaluation Methods

a. Theory Examinations

  • Out of the total marks for each course/paper 20% marks shall be earmarked for continuous assessment (internal assessment/assignments) and remaining 80% for the semester-end examinations.
  • There shall be one semester-end examination of three hours duration. Each answer script of semester end examination (theory) shall be valued by two internal examiners in odd semesters and one internal and one external in the even semesters. The marks awarded to that answer scripts shall be the average of these two evaluations. If the difference in marks between the two evaluations is 20% or more of the marks, such scripts shall be assessed by a third examiner (internal). Average of the highest of the two valuations will be taken.
  • The pass marks in each paper shall be 40% . There is no separate pass mark for internal assessment. A candidate has to secure a minimum of 40% of marks in the semester-end examination plus internal examination put together to pass a paper.

b. Practical Examination:

In the case of science faculty, there shall be practical examination at the end of every semester. The pass marks for each practical paper shall be 50%. For odd semesters, practical examinations shall be conducted with internal examiners whereas the even semester examinations shall be conducted with one internal and one external examiners. There shall be no internal assessment test for practical/laboratory work.

c. Internal Assessment Tests:

For each paper/course in a semester there shall be two internal assessment tests and one assignment

  • 1st Internal assessment Test be conducted at the end of the 9th Week of Instruction (Covering 2/3 Units of the Syllabus)
  • 2nd Internal assessment Test be conducted in the fifteenth week of instruction (Covering the rest of the syllabus/Units)

The two tests each shall consist of

  • 1. Objective questions (Total 10 marks)
  • Descriptive questions (Total 5 marks)
  • The duration of the internal assessment test shall be 60 minutes

Total marks for each test will be 15 and the average of two internal assessment test s is taken. There shall be no improvement in the internal assessment. There shall be no separate Grade points for internal tests.

d. Assignments:

Every student shall submit one assignment per paper in a semester. The Topic for the assignment shall be allotted in the 6th week of instruction. The assignment shall be handwritten (student's own handwriting)

Total marks for the assignment is 20 X 1/4 = 5

Thus the, total marks for internal assessment and assignment shall be 20 marks for each paper in all the semesters including the interdisciplinary/choice based papers

There shall be no internal assessment test for practicals.

e. Seminar Lectures:

A PG student shall deliver one seminar lecture from the core subject per semester in the III and IV Semesters with a weightage of 25 marks or one credit each. Out of these 25 marks, 15 marks shall be allotted for the write up of the topic of the seminar and 10 marks for the presentation. The seminar topic for the III semester shall be allotted by the Department during the II semester of study and that of the IV semester seminar lecture topic is allotted during the III semester. The seminar lecture is expected to train the student in self-study, collection of relevant matter from the books and Internet resources, editing, document writing, typing and presentation The list of the seminar lectures to be delivered in the departments during III and IV semesters shall be prominently displayed in the Notice Board of the Department. Seminar lecture programme is allotted two hours per week in the time table. The seminar lectures are open to all the students and faculty of the Department. The text of the seminar lecture must be typed and should be of at least 4 to 5 pages, which is evaluated for 15 marks and should be deposited in the Department Seminar Library and also be made available in the Department website.

The Seminar will be evaluated by two faculty members appointed by the Head of the Department.

The marks secured by the student in the internal tests, assignments, Seminars, practicals, project work and semester-end examinations are converted into SGPA and CGPA.

Improvement of Grades and Completion of the Course

Candidates who have passed in a theory paper/papers are allowed to appear again for theory paper/papers only once in order to improve his/her grade, by paying the fee prescribed by the University. Such candidates are allowed to appear for improvement examination only once in the next immediate semester examination only. If candidate improves his/her grade, then his/her improved grade will be taken into consideration for the award of GPA only. The improved grade shall not be higher than A+. Such improved grade will not be counted for the award of prizes/medals, Rank and Distinction. If the candidate does not show improvement in the grade , his/her previous grade will be taken into consideration. Candidates will not be allowed to improve marks/grade in the internal assessment, seminars and Project Work.

Promotion Rules & Maximum Time for Completion of Course:

Semester Conditions to be fulfilled for Promotion
Semester-I to Semester-II Undergone a Regular Course of Study of Semester-I and registered for the Semester-I examination.
Semester-II to Semester-III a) Undergone a Regular Course of study of Semesters-I and II
b) The number of backlogs if any, of Semester-I and II taken together shall not exceed 50% of the total number of papers/subjects prescribed for Semesters-I and II
Semester-III to Semester-IV Undergone a Regular Course of study of Semester-Ill and registered* for Semester-Ill examination

* Registration means obtaining a Hall Ticket for the said examination.

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